Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 in total

Episode 5: How Babe Ruth Beat a Pandemic -- Twice

Now we all know what a pandemic is. Jerry explains how in 1918, the Babe beat the Spanish flu, also known as influenza, twice even though it took the lives of more Ame...

Episode 4: What We Can Learn from Babe Ruth

Jerry cuts to the chase and focuses on what business people and marketers today can learn from Babe Ruth. Babe’s grandson Tom Stevens tells us how his personality was ...

Episode 3: Babe the Marketing Machine

Jerry explores the billion-dollar industry of sports collecting and sports memorabilia. Babe Ruth is far and away the #1 commodity in the business, and some of the ind...

Episode 2: Tools of the Trade

In Episode 2 Jerry gets into the skills Ruth possessed which translated into unparalleled success in marketing and branding. How he used words, his sense of humour and...

Episode 1: Why Babe Ruth Still Matters Today

Jerry speaks to members of the Babe Ruth family, including his grandson Tom Stevens and daughter Julia Ruth Stevens who passed away last year at age 102. Jerry once sp...

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